4ms - Meta Module

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The MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer and make music with hardware, while keeping the flexibility and expandability of software.THIS PRODUCT IS ASSEMBLED AND NO DIY!The MetaModule comes with over 160 built-in modules from 4ms Company, Befaco, HetrickCV, NonlinearCircuits, and Scanner Darkly, plus clones of popular classics such as the Mutable Instruments Eurorack modules, fun physical modeling algorithms, and lots of handy utilities.All of the included modules are also available on the computer using the free program VCV Rack. Whether you make patches on VCV Rack and transfer them to the MetaModule, or if you just create patches directly on the MetaModule, there are plenty of creative modules to inspire new ways to make music.MetaModule PluginsIf the 160+ built-in module aren’t enough, you can load more modules as plugins. Already there are over 200 modules in third-party plugins from Bogaudio, Valley, ChowDSP, NANO Modular, and the list is growing. We have an SDK available to make it easy for VCV Rack plugin developers to convert their plugin to a MetaModule plugin. Our licensing terms are non-restrictive: developers are welcome to distribute their plugin in any way they wish, commercially or not.Mapping Knobs and JacksThe MetaModule has 12 knobs that can be mapped to virtual knobs. Each knob can be mapped to up eight virtual knobs, and each mapping can have a different range and offset. You also can save a group of mappings as a Knob Set and switch between Knob Sets with the encoder. You also can map the 8 inputs and 8 outputs to virtual module jacks. Also, the MetaModule is a USB MIDI host, so you also can map MIDI CC, note, gate, and other parameters to knobs and jacks.ExpandersThere are lots of ways to customize your MetaModule. A Wifi expander allows you to wirelessly transfer patches from your computer. Add eight more knobs with the Knob expander, or buttons with the Button expander. A CV/Audio expander adds more high-resolution inputs and outputs, and the Gate In/Out expander adds not only gate jacks but also TRS MIDI and I2C.Under the HoodThere are six CV/Audio inputs, two gate inputs, and six CV/Audio outputs. The CV/Audio jacks are all 24-bit, 48kHz DC-coupled, -10V to +10V. A USB-C jack accepts MIDI devices and thumb drives. Patches and plugins can be loaded via a USB drive or microSD Card, and internal flash memory lets you save patches you always want to come back to.The processor is more advanced than anything 4ms has used in the past, and is among the most powerful processors found in Eurorack. Startup time and latency are blazingly fast.Features:Patches• Patches are loaded from microSD Card, USB drive, or via the Wifi expander• Patches can be optionally saved onto internal flash memory• Create patches using VCV Rack or directly on MetaModule• Patches can be given a name and descriptionMappings• Map each physical knob to up to 8 virtual knobs• Set range and offset for each mapping, including inverted control• Knob mappings are grouped into Knob Sets, and changing Knob Sets can be done quickly without menu-diving• Map physical jacks to virtual jacks, seamlessly making splits/mults• Add or edit modules, cables, and mappings in real-time while the patch is playing• Create alias names for mappings like "Kick Drum Level"Interface• Simple, intuitive graphical interface lets you zoom in on details, or zoom out to get a big picture• Patch View displays the patch as faceplates and cables, with knobs, buttons, and lights animating in real-time• Knob Set View simplifies the display, showing only the mapped knobs for the current Knob Set• Module View shows just one module and lists the names of each jack, knob, and control legibly• Mapping View lets you adjust details of a knob mapping• Adjust styles and visual preferences to your liking• Save, rename, duplicate, and delete patches• Firmware updater and plugin loader read from microSD Card or USB driveHardware• 12 Knobs• 8 CV/Audio outputs, 24-bit 48kHz, -10V to +10V, DC-coupled• 6 CV/Audio inputs, 24-bit 48kHz, -10V to +10V, DC-coupled• 2 Gate inputs• USB-C jack: MIDI Host or MSC (External drive) Host• microSD Card slot• Internal Flash RAM for additional patch storage• Dual-core 800MHz Cortex-A7 plus Cortex-M4 co-processor• 512MB DDR3 533MHz RAM• Bare-metal operation for fast startup and low latencyDIY-Kit-Type:Assembled unit. This is completely ready to use, nothing to solder or to assemble.
ADDAC System - 703 Discrete Mixer

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Here's the second module of our 700's Heritage Series.Inspired by Moog CP3 mixer, this is a totally discrete analog mixer and it's not, by any means, your standard breakfast mixer, although it can behave like one.This is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Despite its harmless looks there's a dark snarly soul behind that panel that wants to take your sounds into a realm of gritty, gnarly growls.Features:• 4 Independent channels with input jack and volume knob• 1 Feedback/gate knob• Master output volume knob• 6 Front panel trimmers allows user to adjust the Input resistor trimmer for each channel, feedback and master output• 1 Front panel trimmer allows to adjust the mix BiasDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 705 VC Stinggy Filter


Here's our new filter inspired by the original WASP Filter.Features:• Four diferent filter types: Low-Pass, Band-Pass, Notch-Pass and High-Pass with independent audio outputs.• Cutoff features a voltage-controlled cv input with a dedicated cv attenuator pot.• Two switches selects different Resonance clipping paths: no clipping / diodes and Resonance depth: high / low.• The Main output filter type can be selected through a 4 position switch.• The Main output circuit features a Distortion/Fuzz circuit that adds extra harmonics to the filtered audio.• Phase switch selects the Main output phase polarity.• One Led monitors the audio signal of the main output.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 712 Vintage Pre


ADDAC712 is a dual channel discrete gain staging amplifier, based on a famous discrete preamp board from the 70’s used in some legendary equipment. What caught our attention was the character of it’s clipping and resulting saturation/distortion.The module can be used with modular signals to add a distortion/fuzz character or as a preamp for an external source such as a line source, keyboard, guitar... It’s also a great side companion for our ADDAC711 Balanced Inputs.At the top an On/Off [BYPASS] switch routes the signal into the Effect (Up: Active) or to the bottom output gain stage (Down: Bypassed).The amount of amplification is set by the [GAIN] control, the maximum amount of amplification can be set by the user using the [MAX GAIN] trimmer.Up to ±5,5v the incoming signal will keep it’s integrity, beyond this point saturation will start to increase. At approx. ±6v a hard clipping will start to occur, this clipping also has a particular quality that at extreme levels it drifts the audio 0v bias reference, moving it upwards which results are similar to a Gate effect.In the middle, an x2 op-amp based output gain stage with a clipping LED, which monitors the clipping at the output, and an [OUTPUT] control to set the output volume.Having the top and middle gain stages provides flexibility allowing the user to completely distort the signal on the top stage and tame it’s output level with the second stage.At the bottom, input and output for both channels (left input is normalled into right input).DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 713 Stereo Discrete Mixer

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ADDAC713 is the stereo version of our 703 Discrete Mixer. Inspired by Moog’s CP3 mixer, this is a fully discrete analog mixer and it's not, by any means, your standard breakfast mixer, although it can behave like one.This is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Despite its harmless looks there's a dark snarly soul behind that panel that wants to take your sounds into a realm of gritty gnarly growls.This new version was initially thought of as a percussion mixer, with mono inputs and panning, to allow placing percussive voices in the stereo field, while keeping channel 4 in mono for low end sources like a kick drum or Bass. In the development process we slightly changed this initial idea, adding stereo inputs for the first 3 channels, but still kept the 4th channel in mono.All four [GAIN] controls go to extreme levels, the first 3 channels also feature [PAN] controls.Feedback is used to overdrive the whole mix. As the control is turned clockwise the sound will be clipped harder until it goes completely off, this happens as feedback is increased the audio bias reference also moves up, at extreme levels it offsets the whole signal upwards until it completely goes above the top rail clipping the whole signal hence the resulting gate effect.The [MASTER OUTPUT] sets the overall output gain of the mixer, the two LEDs monitor the audio output signal.The soft clipping switch engages an anti-click circuit which adds a low pass before the output, the switch allows 3 states: Soft low pass / Off / Hard low passFeatures:• Three channels with stereo inputs, gain and pan knob• One channel with mono input and gain knob• Feedback/gate knob• Master output volume knob• Soft clipping switchDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 714 Vintage Clip

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ADDAC714 is a dual channel soft clipping module.Diode based passive clipping acts as a “brick wall” limiter with a fixed knee given by the inherent diode physics. A passive RC low pass circuit adds a 3,3KHz -3db low pass filter which sculpts the overall tone while also adding further character to the effect.At the top an On/Off [BYPASS] switch routes the signal into the Effect (Up: Active) or to the bottom output gain stage (Down: Bypassed).The amount of clipping is set by the [GAIN] control, it mostly works as a threshold control for how much clipping will be applied. As more clipping is applied the signal’s amplitude will also decrease, to compensate for this we set up a gain compensation stage to keep the output amplitude balanced across the Gain range.Symmetry chooses between bipolar clipping or positive clipping, this relates to the harmonics generated, bipolar for odd and even harmonics (up position) and unipolar for odd harmonics only (down position).At the second stage, an op-amp based x2 output gain with a clipping led, which monitors the clipping at the output, and an [Output] control to set the output volume.Having the top and middle gain stages provides flexibility allowing the user to completely distort the signal on the top stage and tame it’s output level with the second stage.At the bottom, Input jacks for both channels (Left input is normalled into Right input) and output jacksDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Apollo View - Curiouser

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6 HP expander for Rabbit Hole. Provides 2 additional input channels. Each channel can either be sent to Rabbit Hole or used as a standalone VCA. When used standalone, the two channels are normalled to sum at the bottom output. Gain CV is normalled from Rabbit Hole.Features:• Expander for Rabbit Hole• 2 inputs with vintage character OTA VCA• Each channel can be used as a standalone VCA• Attenuverters for CV inputs• All analogue signal pathDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Apollo View - Rabbit Hole

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16 HP summing mixer with characterful valve saturation & distortion. Rabbit Hole is a hybrid solid-state and vacuum tube design. It has two input channels with independent vintage VCAs. The outputs of the VCAs are summed and passed to a solid-state Drive circuit which at higher gain settings hard clips the signal before entering the starved cathode dual-triode vacuum tube. The OWTH - Off With Their Heads diode LED clipping circuit can be engaged for further distortion.Features:• 2 channel mixer with vintage character OTA per input VCAs• 12AU7 Vacuum Tube Core• Fat sounding all analogue signal path• 4 possible stages of distortion• Tone shaping with CV control• Dry/Wet Mix with CV control• Feedback with CV control• Attenuverters on all CV inputs• Switchable diode clipping circuit “OWTH - Off With Their Heads”• “L8” Switch to change Tube characterDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
AtoVproject - cDVCA (Black)


cDVCA or class-D VCA is a new kind of VCA based on an entirely novel concept that is inspired from class-D amplification technology. This is not a transparent VCA and brings a lot of character to the sound.The first VCA that tracks 1V/octConcept: The input signal is turned into an ultrasonic PWM signal (~34kHz). The PWM is scaled to the desired amplitude and then filtered back down to the original signal.The twist: The PWM frequency can be lowered down into the audio spectrum and the frequency can be controlled via its 1V/oct input allowing for crazy waveshaping that tracks your melodies.The drive controls an innovative clipping method that does not rely on overdriving any circuitry and therefore results in distortions with a very defined character.The signal then goes into a 1 pole VCF/tone circuit that allows to keep things under some amount of control as the harmonics produced by this module can be very aggressive.With no input the module generates a simple square wave and therefore can be used a simple synth voice (VCO→VCA-VCF)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
AtoVproject - cDVCA (Silver)

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cDVCA or class-D VCA is a new kind of VCA based on an entirely novel concept that is inspired from class-D amplification technology. This is not a transparent VCA and brings a lot of character to the sound.The first VCA that tracks 1V/octConcept: The input signal is turned into an ultrasonic PWM signal (~34kHz). The PWM is scaled to the desired amplitude and then filtered back down to the original signal.The twist: The PWM frequency can be lowered down into the audio spectrum and the frequency can be controlled via its 1V/oct input allowing for crazy waveshaping that tracks your melodies.The drive controls an innovative clipping method that does not rely on overdriving any circuitry and therefore results in distortions with a very defined character.The signal then goes into a 1 pole VCF/tone circuit that allows to keep things under some amount of control as the harmonics produced by this module can be very aggressive.With no input the module generates a simple square wave and therefore can be used a simple synth voice (VCO→VCA-VCF)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - Chopping Kinky


Chopping kinky is a voltage controllable, dual channel wavefolder.As an unique feature it has a chop out that will choose between both channels with a zero cross detector or an external gate.• A wavefolder converts simple signals into richer and more dynamically changing ones. In contrast to a filter, wave folding adds harmonic content to the waveform. It works by amplifying the waveform until it begins to saturate, then rather than clipping, the waveform gets folded back in on itself.• Each of the module’s two channels has a unique wave folding profile. At each input, there are two CV inputs for controlling the level of waveshaping including one that passes through an attenueverter.• Chopping Kinky is DC coupled allowing it to be used for both CV and audio duties; to generate harmonics on an audio signal or kinking LFOs and envelopes.Features:• Two unique wavefolder circuits• Two CV inputs per channel, one with attenuverter.• DC Coupled inputs allowing CV signals.• Chop out with zero cross detector.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - FX Boy


A Multi FX module based on game carts!Fx Boy is a multi-FX module designed in collaboration with several talented manufacturers. This is an effect unit with CV control over the parameters and dry/wet control,  with a Built-in CV controllable four bands EQ.Each effect is physically hosted in a hot-swappable game cart and designed by a different manufacturer: Touell Skouarn with Skuara a harsh fuzz with overdrive, Instruo with micro Phaser, a two-flavoured Phaser, Feedback modules with a vintage Flanger, XOR with FX-Girl, a digital double effect module: Delay + Granularizer, Making sound machines with an analog Wave folder, Tesseract with a bit crusher and Befaco Trash distortion!Please note that the cards add current consumption on top of the values stated here.Features:• CV control over all parameters and dry/wet• CV controllable four-band EQ, routable post or pre-effect.• Selector for two different flavours of each cart.• Open specifications to design your own carts• Hot swap for all carts. (A tiny pop can occur depending on the cartridge design)DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Black Noise Modular - Dual Rectifier 2

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Dual Rectifier II is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be used as an AC to DC converter, a distorsion, a complex waveform generator, a frequency doubler, a clock doubler or an envelope follower and more.Like all our modules, Dual Rectifier II is built with high-quality components only and designed to offer the best performance.Whether you're starting a small system or have a wall full of modules, Dual Rectifier II is a must-have for any Eurorack system.DUAL RECTIFIER II is divided into two sections:On top section the Positive Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 1.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be rectified.On bottom section the Negative Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 2.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be rectified.By default input 2 is normaled to output 1 (inverted) of the top section.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Black Noise Modular - Dual Rectifier 2 - S

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Dual Rectifier II - S is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be used as an AC to DC converter, a distorsion, a complex waveform generator, a frequency doubler, a clock doubler or an envelope follower and more.Like all our modules, Dual Rectifier II is built with high-quality components only and designed to offer the best performance.Whether you're starting a small system or have a wall full of modules, Dual Rectifier II - S is a must-have for any Eurorack system.DUAL RECTIFIER II - S is divided into two sections:On top section the Positive Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 1.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be rectified.On bottom section the Negative Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 2.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be rectified.By default input 2 is normaled to output 1 (inverted) of the top section.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Black Noise Modular - GOMA Pro


The GOMA Pro pushes the boundaries of the attenuverter-mixer concept.Attenuator, attenuverter, offset generator, voltage generator, waveshaper, distorsion, GOMA Pro can do all of that and more. Engineered for precision, GOMA Pro is crafted using high-quality components to ensure maximum accuracy, including low-tolerance resistors and low-noise op-amps.GOMA Pro offers 3 channels fully analog to amplify (up to x10 gain!), attenuate or polarize (attenuverter) any signal, from CV, audio to line level sources.Additionally, each channel can act as a high precision voltage generator (–10V to +10V) to offset another channel or control external parameters.The 3 channels can be processed separately or summed through cascade mixing, which can extend further than a single module since all the GOMA family (I, II, Pro) can be daisy chained to unlock virtually infinite mixing.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Dannysound - Timbre

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The Timbre is a 6HP Eurorack module based on the wave folder section of the Buchla 259 oscillator as implemented in the Music Easel.The wave folder adds extra harmonics to input signals that have low harmonic content to creating rich and interesting timbres.Typical input sources to use would be Sine and Triangle waves but you are welcome to try other sources as well!The Dannysound Timbre adds an extra input to the Buchla design to allow 2 oscillators to drive the wave-folder simultaneously –this dramatically increases the range of possible tones that can be generated and allows the folder to go wild!Buchla 259 inspired waveshaper, the perfect module to put in-between your Dannysound Cali and EN129 oscillators!Features:• Osc1 / Osc2 Mix – Adjusts mix between oscillator 1 and 2 inputs, also acts as an attenuator if only one of the inputs is used.• Timbre Control – Adjusts the overall wave fold amount.• Timbre CV – Bipolar (attenuverter) controls the Timbre CV input.• Symmetry – Adds an offset to the input so the top half of the wave starts folding earlier.• Blend – Mixes between the clean and effected sound.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Erica Synths - EDU DIY Wavefolder

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Even though wavefolding is more of a west coast synthesis concept, it’s a great addition to the otherwise very east coast mki x DIY system. Why? Because it can provide a ton of unusual timbres for your patches: from a slight dash of brightness to harsh metallic drones. That’s why we came up with this super simple BJT-based double wavefolder.We – Erica Synths and Moritz Klein – have developed a series of educational DIY kits under the brand name mki x es.EDU with one specific goal in mind: to teach people with little-to-no prior experience how to design analog synthesizer circuits from scratch. What you’ll find in the box is not simply meant to be soldered together and then disappear in your rack. Instead, we want to take you through the circuit design process step by step, explaining every choice we’ve made and how it impacts the finished module.In total, we have developed 9 kits to build a fully-featured modular monosynth: a sequencer, a VCO, a wavefolder, a noise/S&H module, a mixer, a VCF, an Envelope generator, a dual VCA, and an output stereo mixer with a headphone amplifier. Additionally, an affordable eurorack case with a DIY PSU will also be available. While these kits are easy to build, we did not compromise on design and functionality. We will launch one kit every 4-6 weeks. For each kit, there is an extensive user manual (40+ pages; can be downloaded separately) that will dive deep into not only the electronics behind each circuit but also the fundamental principles of sound synthesis. We hope that the mki x es.EDU project will inspire future engineers and will contribute to the ever-growing diversity of electronic music technology.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Feedback Modules - PRE CR Module

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Sound Design channel strip based on a famous late eighties small mixer used mostly for the well known TB303 distortion sound.Features:• 1 audio input• 1 input gain potentiometer• 2 EQ potentiometers: low and hi• 1 output level potentiometer• 1 audio output• Standard 10 pin euro power (+12V / -12V) (works also at +15V / -15V)DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Feedback Modules - PRE KM


Sound design channel strip based on a famous late seventies small mixer used by many electronic music bands.Features:• 1 Audio input• 1 Gain pot• 2 EQ pots - Low & Hi• 1 Output level pot• 1 Audio outputDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Meth Amp


Meth Amp is based around the fuzz core of the EH Big Muff pedal. Lovely fuzz and distortion based on the classic Big Muff pedal! It’ll do wooly warm fuzz, subtle tone shaping with a soft saturation/colour, feedback madness and work as a great output VCA (LPG style tones possibly too). The clipping diodes have been replaced by red LEDs to take account of the change in power supply from 9V in the original Big Muff to +/-12V in Meth Amp.To the fuzz core has been added a bunch of OTAs, each controlling a different aspect of audio processing: gain, regen (a new feature - not present in Big Muff), tone and volume. Thereby, each feature is fully voltage controllable.Additionally, there is a separate x100 preamp which can be used to boost external audio for further processing by Meth Amp. Here is a Video about it.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.