

Use this adaptor for connecting LeafAudio's Field Amp to symmetrical XLR inputs. As the Field Amp does not feature a symmetrical input or outputs, this adaptor is actually asymmetrical (XLR pins 1 and 3 bridged).Make sure to read the notes about inputs and outputs in the Field Amp manual, you'll find it on the LeafAudio website. www.leaf-audio.comThis adaptor is available in 2 legnths:ADPT-3,5-JACK-XLR-MALE-ASYM-0,5MADPT-3,5-JACK-XLR-MALE-ASYM-1,5MFeatures:• Asymmetrical 3,5mm (1/8") mono jack to XLR male• Amphenol 3,5mm (1/8") mono jack• HiCon XLR connector male• Sommer Cable Onyx Tynee cable material• Length: available in 0,5m (~1,6 feet) and 1,5m (~5 feet)

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Use this adaptor for connecting symmetrical or asymmetrical sources like the LOM geophone to the input of LeafAudio's Field Amp.As the Field Amp does not feature symmetrical input or outputs, this adaptor is actually asymmetrical (XLR pins 1 and 3 bridged according to the standards).Make sure to read the notes about inputs and outputs in the Field Amp manual, you'll find it on the LeafAudio website. www.leaf-audio.comFeatures:• Asymmetrical XLR female to 3,5mm (1/8") mono jack• HiCon XLR connector female• Amphenol 3,5mm (1/8") mono jack• Sommer Cable Onyx Tynee cable material• Length: ~35cm tip to tip