Products of Making Sound Machines

Making Sound Machines are a duo of makers from Düsseldorf. We build kits, modules and DIY projects, and use the projects we've built to make music.

Making Sound Machines - Braided Patch Cables (5 pcs)


High-quality braided 3.5mm mono Eurorack patch cables, blackYou don't get into modular synths without becoming a bit of a nerd for patch cables.We knew we wanted the braided, high-quality kind that won't suffer from the saggy plastic feel we had come to expect. And we knew we wanted them pitch black to match our preference for a fine cup of coffee.So we found a manufacturer that could make them to our exact specifications, and had them send us a big box of delicious cables.We think they turned out great, so we'll make them available to you as well.Each set contains five 90 cm cables, an excellent choice for patching across rows in a system and within the same rack.
Making Sound Machines - Farb Highpass


Farb Highpass is an analog transistor ladder highpass filter, and features a distinct circuit from the classic lowpass ladder. We tweaked the circuit and added CV-able resonance to the feedback path.We also added a Tilt EQ. It lets you either bring some of the warmth back in, or double down on the highpass and go all sizzly.We have always been fascinated with analogue effects circuits, and we love the way their quirks and nonlinearities inspire us to find new sounds.Farb Highpass features a distinct circuit from the classic lowpass ladder. We tweaked the circuit and added CV-able resonance to the feedback path. This module crosses the sonic richness of the classic East Coast highpass ladder filter with added fine control from its weighted input stage.It is part of our Farbfilter (colour filter) range of sound colouring modules, offering a wide sonic palette from lending glowing warmth to electric sizzle in 4 HP.Farb Highpass is designed to be an easy, beginner-friendly DIY build you can solder yourself.Features:• Classic analog circuit: Transistor Ladder Highpass Filter.• CV and Offset for Low Cut.• CV and Attenuation for Resonance.• Tilt EQ to add bass or sizzle.• Backlit panel offers instant visual feedback over CV.• Flip panel: with or without number.DIY-Kit-Type:Semi-DIY-Kit. Most of the components are completely ready, you only have to assemble panel, knobs and some screws/washers.
Making Sound Machines - Farbfolder

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Farbfolder is an analog wavefolder for Eurorack, designed to add harmonically related overtones to an audio signal.We have always been fascinated with analogue effects circuits, and we love the way their quirks and nonlinearities inspire us to find new sounds.Farbfolder does this weird and wonderful trick of folding up the wave at the zero points, "squaring" a sine off with more and more sinusoid edges, thus adding odd harmonics.This module is excellent at adding rich harmonics to a basic waveform. Its circuit can produce characteristic timbres similar to pulse-width and frequency modulation.It is part of our Farbfilter (colour filter) range of sound colouring modules, offering a wide sonic palette from lending subtle colour to rich timbre bending tones in 4 HP.Farbfolder is designed to be an easy, beginner-friendly DIY build you can solder yourself.Features:• Classic analog West Coast circuit: odd harmonics Wavefolder.• Offset and Attenuation for Fold CV for flexible modulation.• Bias Folding: Offset Audio input with CV.• Push Bias into dead zone for VCA-like use.• Backlit panel offers instant visual feedback over CV.• Flip panel: with or without number.DIY-Kit-Type:Semi-DIY-Kit. Most of the components are completely ready, you only have to assemble panel, knobs and some screws/washers.
Making Sound Machines - Farbshaper

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Farbshaper is a classic West Coast analog waveshaper for Eurorack, designed to shape the overtones of an audio signal with two voltage controlled stages.We have always been fascinated with analogue effects circuits, and we love the way their quirks and nonlinearities inspire us to find new sounds.Farbshaper is based on a classic circuit that turns a ramp into a sine, and was historically used in function generators and oscillators. On any other signal it will add one or multiple wave folds.The circuit produces opposite offsets internally, so the knob settings interact strongly and are fun to automate with CV.This module is excellent to use as a non-linear shaper for acoustic and electronic sounds, ranging from gentle timbral transformation to colourful wavefolding.It is part of our Farbfilter (colour filter) range of sound colouring modules, offering a wide sonic palette from lending subtle colour to rich timbre bending tones in 4 HP.Farbshaper is designed to be an easy, beginner-friendly DIY build you can solder yourself.Features:• Classic analog West Coast circuit: multi stage Waveshaper / -folder.• CV and Attenuation to control first single Fold stage.• CV and Attenuation to control Pleat, a second dual Fold stage.• Internal CV offset creates dead zones for VCA-like use.• Backlit panel offers instant visual feedback over CV.• Flip panel: with or without number.DIY-Kit-Type:Semi-DIY-Kit. Most of the components are completely ready, you only have to assemble panel, knobs and some screws/washers.
Making Sound Machines - MIDI Adapter

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DIN to TRS 3.5mm, Type AThis adapter allows you to use a standard DIN MIDI cable with instruments that come with a MIDI TRS port.Please note that multiple standards exist. This adapter is Type A, compatible with devices from Making Sound Machines, Plinky, Make Noise, ADDAC, Dreadbox, Intellijel, Teenage Engineering, Twisted Electrons, Akai, Korg, Elektron and others.We have included a wiring diagram for your reference with the pictures on this page. You can find a simplified guide to TRS MIDI and a list of devices at
Making Sound Machines - Multiplikand

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Multiplikand is a compact routing utility module for Eurorack in 6HP. It takes Audio and CV, with optional DC filtering.At its core, Multiplikand offers four active precision multiples. Clever normalisation and a switch allow you to configure how the signals are summed.The module has pin headers in the back so you can break out from prototyping platforms like Arduino, Teensy, Daisy and Bela to Multiplikand's inputs with jumper wires.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Making Sound Machines - Tausend dB

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Tausend dB is a four channel amplifier module for Eurorack in 6HP, allowing you to boost Audio and CV.Tausend dB works great for bringing line signals to Eurorack levels, and saturating Eurorack levels into overdrive. We love feeding piezo signals into Eurorack with it.The module has pin headers in the back so you can break out from prototyping platforms like Arduino, Teensy, Daisy and Bela to Tausend dB's inputs with jumper wires.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Making Sound Machines / DivKid - DivSkip

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DivSkip is a 4 Channel Trigger and Gate Processor, with loads of great modes. Bernoulli Gates, Clock Division, Turing, Euclidean Split, Euclidean Classic, Ramp / Gate Length, Retrigger and Pattern.Plug in triggers or gates from a clock, logic module or sequencer and generate new rhythms and variations. Modes include Probability, Clock Division, Turing, Euclidean, Retrigger, Gate Delays and 64 step preset patterns.Features:• 4 Channels of Triggers or Gates• push-to-mute• 8 modes per Channel• LED rings for visualizationDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.