Products of Allen Synthesis
Well I say "us", but it's really just me, Rory.
I started doing synth stuff in early 2021, making DIY projects from my bedroom, and selling a few PCB kits online.
My philosophy when it comes to synthesisers is the antithesis of the concept of 'startup culture', which to me seems like a very harmful approach to what is essentially a process of sharing ideas that will make other people happy.
Perhaps I am still naive, but this approach of engaging with a community where designs are shared under copyleft and free hardware licenses certainly seems to be working so far, and I've been able to develop things far beyond what I would have been able to had the information I needed been hidden behind a paywall.
My philosophy when it comes to synthesisers is the antithesis of the concept of 'startup culture', which to me seems like a very harmful approach to what is essentially a process of sharing ideas that will make other people happy.
Perhaps I am still naive, but this approach of engaging with a community where designs are shared under copyleft and free hardware licenses certainly seems to be working so far, and I've been able to develop things far beyond what I would have been able to had the information I needed been hidden behind a paywall.
Allen Synthesis - EuroPi
sold out at the moment
Reprogrammable Multi-Function Controller based on the Raspberry Pi PicoThe EuroPi is a project aimed at making Eurorack more accessible and customisable by giving users complete control of the inner workings of a digital module.You can plug the module into your computer using a standard micro USB cable, and entirely re-write the program in Python ( usingany of the inputs and outputs for whatever you want. It can be used to replicate existing concepts, such as a quantiser or sample and hold, or you can write something entirely new.All of the information about this project can be found on the GitHub Repository. This includes the build guide, bill of materials, license details, and firmware.There is also a Subreddit if you'd like to share your builds, ask any questions, or just join the community!Features:• 6 CV Outputs (0-10V)• 1 CV Input (0-10V)• 1 Digital Input (Clock, Gate, Trigger)• 2 Knobs (12 bit)• 2 Push Buttons• 128x32 OLED DisplayDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.