333modules - FM Drum


Analog FM percussion generator. Selectable Triangle and Square waveform for both, Modulator and Carrier VCO’s Onboard VCA with CV controlled Decay envelope. Perfect for harsh sounds and timbres.Features:• CV for decay envelope and CV for modulation.• VCO (triangle or square) modulated by LFO (triangle or square) and VCA whit decay (pot and CV)DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 104 VC T-Networks


Following our ADDAC103 T-Networks this new module is also inspired by Twin T-Networks circuits used in many legendary drum machines. A simple 4 voice module with frequency controls for each of the voices. This new module also features CV inputs with attenuverters for each voice Frequency. Due to the specificities of the circuit and to keep the module at a low price these inputs are not calibrated to 1v/octave.At each voice input there’s a gate to trigger converter so any input source is possible.Audio inputs can also be used as an input, in this case and due to the nature of the gate to trigger converter, each voice can be used as very destructive filters.The top 2 channels feature a higher frequency range, the bottom 2 channels feature a lower frequency range.Features:4 voices each with:• Frequency control with CV input and attenuverter Frequency Range Switch, Low/Mod/High• Trigger Input• Audio Output• Summing Mix output with Volume controlDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.(Test)
ADDAC System - 105 4 Voice Cluster


Following our ADDAC103 T-Networks this new module is inspired by its simplicity. This is a 4 voice Square Oscillator with VCA, FM switch and a slew decay for the incoming Trigger IN. All voices are then sent through a Multimode Filter.Each voice has its own VCA input where any input is accepted (Trigger, Gate, CV). The [DECAY] controls the slew decay applied to the incoming signal, if [DECAY] is fully anti-clockwise then it works as a Mute. The [FM ON] switches activate/deactivate the FM input coming from the previous voice: Voice 1 FM comes from voice 4, voice 2 FM comes from voice 1, and so on, so you can FM all of them in a FM loop.All 4 voices are summed and sent through a filter with controls over [CUTOFF] with an Attenuverter for the CV input and [RESONANCE]. Three filter outputs are provided [LOWPASS], [BANDPASS] and [HIGHPASS]The [EXTERNAL IN] input can be routed through a jumper on the back of the module allowing the incoming signal to go to:1. the filter input for processing an external audio source;2. all of the 4 voices Frequency control allowing for some experimental CV control over pitch of all 4 voices at the same time (due to the specificities of the circuit and to keep the module at a low price these inputs are not calibrated to 1v/octave).DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 106 T-Noiseworks


This is the last module in our T-Networks series, a straightforward 4 voice module with frequency and decay controls for each of the voices. As the name already unveils we added a noise source and created 2 different circuits that explore the timbre of a t-network when used to filter noise.There are 2 different circuits in this module: voices 1 to 3 have a pre-vca t-network filter while in voice 4 the t-networks filter applied post-vca.At each voice input there’s a switch that sets which type of input to use; this signal will be used to control an internal VCA hence why the type of setting defined here is important:1. Trigger - Any incoming CV will be converted into a 1ms trigger as soon as it crosses its fixed threshold.2. Mute - This disconnects then incoming signal effectivelly muting the voice.3. Envelopes - This can be used with CV sources as well as Gate sources and simply follows the input signal.This incoming signal will then be processed by a slew circuit which adds a decay factor allowing the user to set the “Tail” of each voice.Trigger mode is mostly dedicated for percussive sounds while the Envelope mode is open to any external envelope control and able to control noise swooshes, swirls, crackles and pops simply out of t-networks filtered noise.Audio inputs also welcome use as a Trigger/Envelope input, in fact the results of using this method had us all extremely surprised, so please do try it out!Diferences between voices:The first 3 voices also feature a Timbre selector switch: Hat/SnareIn Snare mode all frequencies coming from the t-networks filter pass through to the output .In Hat mode it adds a High Pass circuit which removes the mid/bottom frequencies (characteristic of the snare strike) creating a higher spectrum output which is closer to a Hat timbre.All of these 3 voices are also differently tuned from each other to offer more timbrical options.Voice 4 is closer to a typical t-networks circuit but this time a peculiar one where the noise is gated by the vca and then sent through the t-networks filter.Hat and Snare are terms used very loosely here; they are timbrical references and do not in any shape or form try to effectively replicate the complex timbres of a real world Hat or Snare.Features:4 Voices each with:• Frequency control• Decay control• Timbre type, Hat/Snare (Voice 1 to 3)• Frequency Range Switch, Low/Mod/High (Voice 4) Input• Audio Output• Also and overall Summing Mix output with Volume control and 2 diferent output types (Normal/Dirt)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - Kickall


Kickall is a 6HP compact synth voice that features everything needed to make a big fat Kick sound. A stable VCO that tracks V/Oct, a couple of VCAs, envelopes for volume and pitch and an aggressive waveshaper.The module has been designed with a kick synthesis patch in mind.The audio path consists of a sinewave oscillator that passes across a Square Waveshaper and two VCA’s. The first VCA is for the Volume envelope. The second VCA is dedicated to general volume. Thanks to his CV input, it is possible o apply accents or affects the dynamics of notes. Feeding this input with audio generates a basic AM operation expanding the sonic range of the module.In the control path, KickAll has two envelope circuits to modulate the first VCA oscillator’s pitch. Both envelopes are fired at the same time manually or via dedicated trigger input.Through its Tune input, KickAll tracks eight octaves with high accuracy. Plug your favourite sequencer or CV source to create patterns out of the kick range, or feed it with an audio signal, for frequency modulation Fx.Features:• Accurate V/oct tracking.• CV controllable Sine to Square waveshaper.• CV controlled envelope decay for main VCA.• CV control over General volume (after VCA).• Wide range pitch envelope control.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Boom

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Analogue drum voice with a broad range of applications. Boom!! can be used to create bass drums, tom toms, chirps, blips and clicks. The heart of the module is a VCO which is built around one half of a LM13700. The VCO has a HIGH/LOW switch as well as a SWEEP control, which defines it’s response to the onboard envelope.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Cosmic Background


100% analogue fully modular super flexible drum voice module.Features:•White noise source•Release generator with voltage control•Voltage controlled filter with lowpass and highpass options•Voltage controlled amplifierDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Seismograf BD


Versatile Drum module with 8 vintage sounds. Snare Drum variant. Seismograf is a PIC based drum module featuring coding by Jetroid. There is currently a choice of two PICs which may be used with Seismograf, "BD" and "SD". As you might expect, BD contains a range of 8 bass drums, while SD contains a range 8 of snare drums. The drum sounds are 10 bit encodings of some of our favourite electronic kits from yesteryear (see chart below). It is not possible for the user to load their own sounds onto Seismograf PICs, but there is a chance that we may release alternative drum sets as the years roll (!) by.Features:• Sound 1 808• Sound 2 808• Sound 3 909• Sound 4 SDSV• Sound 5 LM1• Sound 6 DMX• Sound 7 CR78• Sound 8 DRUMTRAKSDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Seismograf SD


Versatile Drum module with 8 vintage sounds. Base Drum variant. Seismograf is a PIC based drum module featuring coding by Jetroid. There is currently a choice of two PICs which may be used with Seismograf, "BD" and "SD". As you might expect, BD contains a range of 8 bass drums, while SD contains a range 8 of snare drums. The drum sounds are 10 bit encodings of some of our favourite electronic kits from yesteryear (see chart below). It is not possible for the user to load their own sounds onto Seismograf PICs, but there is a chance that we may release alternative drum sets as the years roll (!) by.Features:• Sound 1 808• Sound 2 808• Sound 3 909• Sound 4 SDSV• Sound 5 LM1• Sound 6 DMX• Sound 7 CR78• Sound 8 DM55DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Herbs and Stones - Legs

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Legs is an analog kick and percussion synthesizer module in eurorack format.It is based around a triangle core voltage controlled oscillator and a two levels voltage controlled saturation stage.Each parameter has its own dedicated CV input, when a control signal is patched into any of the inputs its corresponding knob will act as a CV attenuator.Two independent gate/trigger input with level control can be used to create accents, pattern changes and generally work on track dynamic.Features:• Triangle core VCO• Two-stage voltage controlled saturation• Two separate gate/trigger inputs• CV control over every parameterDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Herbs and Stones - Liquid Foam

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Liquid Foam is a modular monophonic analog groovebox that revolves around a dual sequencer designed to encourage complex pattern exploration. At the core there’s an analog VCO with two stages of waveshaping, a decay-only EG that can be inverted any step and a 2-pole resonant VCF.Features:• Two sequencers• Newly designed filter and wave mixer• Separate trig and envelope output• Newly added bandpass filter outputDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
MRG Synthesizer - KICK

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The MRG KICK is a clone of the TR-808 Bass Drum. The major difference with the original circuit, apart from some adjustementfor working at Eurorack levels and voltage, is on the trigger and envelope trigger mechanism.The MRG KICK has two trigger inputs (TRIGGER1 and TRIGGER2). Each of them has a different accent level, and can be usedindependently to generate kicks at different accents that can be changed dynamically. This trigger works eiter with gate signals(e.g. square LFOs) or proper trigger (impulses) signals.As the original, MRG KICK has control for TONE and DECAY. The DECAY in particular can be stretched to a longer decay than the original.Technically, this is not a simple module. Based on a four layers PCB, it uses a rail-to-rail opamp, capable of full 24VPP output signal.This makes the MRG KICK a loud, powerful 808-like BD, perfect for saturation and distortion.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Music Thing Modular - Chord Organ

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Chord Organ is the easiest way to get chords from a modular synth!• It's perfectly possible to create chords on a modular synth, but its a pain - lots of tuning and messing about. I wanted to create something as simple as a home organ with chord buttons. Chord Organ is exactly that; the top knob chooses a chord shape, the bottom a root note.• The full story of Chord Organ, including how it was inspired by a Bontempi Organ found in the street, is in this article over on Medium.• Chord Organ and Radio Music are identical modules; you can convert one to the other by installing new firmware over USB - details on how to install the firmware - and go back just as easily.• This video shows what you can do with a Chord Organ in a simple little case. Here the chord shape and root note are sequenced by an expanded Turing Machine and filtered through a God's Box Humpback Filter.• The top knob chooses the chord shape (Major, Minor, Drop 3 9th). The bottom knob chooses the root note. Both can be CV controlled.• The latest firmware now includes:• A choice of 12 waveforms (the original just had four) Program chords by uploading MIDI files Easy to use configuration page. Alternative tuning support by dropping standard Scala files onto the SD card (installation details).• There’s a long history of press-button-to-get-chord instruments; accordions, the Suzuki Omnichord, the Autoharp, or all those auto-accompaniment electronic keyboards that you used to see.Basically Chord Organ is a new firmware for the Music Thing Modular Radio Music module. It gives the module a completely different function. Instead of playing samples from the SD card, it synthesises chords. This is the full Chord Organ kit with dedicated Chord Organ silver Alu panel and button.Note: you need to purchase a MicroSD card and a Micro-B USB Cable elsewhere to set up this module. The Micro-B cables are the smallest type shipped with Kindles and many Android phones. You also need a card reader to write files to the SD card, many laptops and desktops already have them built in now. The very cheap $2 MicroSD cards are not worth the trouble they will cause you, buy genuine SanDisk or Kingston branded MicroSD cards from Amazon or elsewhere. 32Gb maximum… that’s 108 hours of lossless audio in 16bit 44.1khz. Total file limit per card is 1200 files.Features:For the build guide the process is identical to Radio Music, you just program with a different hex file – organ now tracks 1v/Oct if you use the latest software downloaded here! – on how to load firmware onto the module can be found under the Software header here – This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Nyström - Crum Drum

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Crum Drum is a 4-voice drum machine with built in randomization and probability based sequencing designed by NYSTRÖMRhythms can be created and manipulated using the internal random sequencer or externally via MIDI USB. Press the beat button to generate new rhythms, adjust the probability to create continuous variations, and increase the randomness to modulate the sound of your beats! Generated sequences can also be sent out via MIDI USB and Crum Drum can also sync via analog clock in and out.The four voices of Crum Drum are Kick, Snare, HiHat and Bass (FM). There are 8 parameters knobs to sculpt the character of each voice allowing for wide variety of tones. It’s easy to create varied and organic sequences by adding modulation via the Probability and Randomness controls. Probability sets the chance that the selected voice will play per step of the sequence, while randomness increases the parameter modulation for each voice. The higher the randomness, the more each instrument parameter is modulated per step. Some of the instrument parameter controls have different behaviours depending on which voice is selected, so make sure to check the user manual for full details.Crum Drum features four global effects which are: Overdrive, Reverb, Delay and Swing. The delay-time is tempo synced and the subdivided differently dependent on the BPM.Power is provided via micro usb cable (not included)Features:• 4 instruments: Kick, Snare, HiHat, Bass• 8 sound parameters per instrument• Overdrive, Reverb, Delay & Swing• Send & Recieve Analog & Midi USB clock• Send & Receive Midi USB sequencing• Randomised and probability based sequencingDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Patching Panda - BD-Z

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BD-Z v2 is a versatile kick drum module for Eurorack system focus to design a wide range of bass drum percussive sounds. The implementation of thru-zero FM/PM BD-Z can deliver an an immense variety of textures and harmonics, it has an amount of control of the modulation, input to preserve the primary kick drum sound or not. Check out this video from Superbooth 2021.Also the implementation of amplitude modulation to the sound core it can add more harmonics from the modulation source to be able to shape the sound, transform and morph it into many other drums sounds like bongos, congas, etc. Attention carefully was considered to maintain the signal gain always punchy so when the amplitude decay or the distortion is fully open it won't get out of control.The distortion can be subtle or aggressive, it has a dedicated accent like the vintage style drum machines to add dynamics to the rhythms. Features two amplitude envelopes out to control other utilities with the shape of the signal. BD-Z is a powerful Kick drum module with many modulation possibilities!DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
€171.70* €202.00* (15% saved)
Patching Panda - Hatz v2

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Hatz v2 is an all-analog module designed to help you sculpt all sorts of hi-hat and percussion sounds. At the core of the module are two noise generators: complex (LFSR) noise and (LOGIC) noise metals. Both channels are equipped with 2-pole filters, and a VCA + envelope combination. A CV-able Decay control for the Open Hi-Hat channel offers a handy solution for more rhythmic animation.New in version 2, Hatz offers a Texture control with dedicated CV input. This control offers a wide range of distinct noise textures, making Hatz great for everything from classic, clicky hats to metallic snares, filtered clangs, and more. V2 also sports revised envelopes and a vastly improved signal to noise ratio, making for a significant upgrade to this already stellar module. Here is a video demo.Features:• Analog hit-hat module combining 2 kinds of noise heart ❤ complex (LFSR) noise and (LOGIC) noise metals• 2 pole filter for each individual channel with CV• Vintage drum machine accent style with choke function• Linear and exponential fall selection in both channels• Decay control with CV in the open hat• Hold intput for manually open the envelope via gates and CV• 2 leds indicatorDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Rebel Technology - The Witch

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The Witch is a compact and versatile polyphonic synthesizer. The Witch can be used Standalone, with a MIDI Controller, Analog Sequencer, or MIDI Polyphonic Expression / MPE Controller. It's USB powered or with 9V DC.It comes with four different synth engines:• SubTract Virtual Analogue synthesizer with 48dB resonant filter• VoSim Voice Simulator formant synthesizer• WaveBank Morphing wavetable synthesizer• QuadSampler Sampler with peak filterEach synthesizer engine is provided in two variants:• Expression Mode Continuous pitch control and MPE support• Performance Mode Discrete pitch control, standalone chords and classic MIDI supportOther features include two assignable tap tempo LFOs with continuously variable shapes and a powerful effects section.As well as eight factory patches, the Witch is fully compatible with the OWL Library of more than 300 patches. What’s more, users can create their own patches using any of the supported DSP languages: Pure data, Max gen~, SOUL, Faust, Maximilian and C++.The Witch has its own Synth Editor web application: witch.rebeltech.orgDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
RYK Modular - Algo


All knobs and no menus, an FM synth engine with hands-on controlALGO's four oscillators can be configured in series or parallel combinations, to create Complex FM or additive sound textures.A unique Algorithm Display indicates the signal flow from one oscillator to another - easy to understand FM with pretty twinkly lights!Each oscillator has controls for Level and Frequency, allowing easy adjustment of FM timbres, no menu diving snorkels needed.Modulation inputs for Frequency or Level for each oscillator - patch in a couple of Envelopes, and you have an instant FM synth voice.Bored of Sine waves? A generous Wave Warp control bends things through Triangle to Pulse wave and back again.Wave Warp can be applied to Carrier, Modulator or both types of oscillator.For the more discerning mangler, Wave Folding is also available in three delicious flavours; Symmetric, Asymmetric and Soft Clip!A Global Detune spread control with CV input is great for creating Netflix apocalypse drones that descend into the abyss.Lastly an onboard Stereo Chorus can add a vivacious 1980's shimmer to all your FM creations.Oh, nearly forgot. It's Stereo !Features:• Frequency range 8 Hz - 35 kHz• Sampling frequency 85 kHz @ 2 x oversampled (170 kHz)• Four through zero oscillators• Harmonic intervals, Fine tune, or Fixed frequency options for each oscillator• Amplitude OR Frequency/V/OCT CV inputs for each oscilator• 9 FM algorithm combinations• Wave Shaping and three types of Wave folding• Multi Stage vari-speed high quality chorus effect• Stereo output, with Pan control for each oscillator in the stereo field• Pretty lights !PLEASE NOTE THE KIT IS ONLY SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCED BUILDERS.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
RYK Modular - Vector Wave


FM & Vector Synthesis - Two icons of the '80s in one unit!Introducing the new Vector Wave from RYK Modular bringing together the awesome power of 16 oscillator FM, combined with Vector synthesis OR true multi voice polyphony.The Vector Wave is a feature packed compact Eurorack module, which can be used as a stand alone synth-voice without the need for external VCA,ENV, LFOs etcWARNING! To build the kit you MUST have the following:• Accurate and stable 5.00V reference source to calibrate the module• Flux pen, or liquid flux• Two mini clamps• Clean high quality 2/3mm tip solder iron [chisel type recommended]Features:• 16 oscillators, divided into 4 banks, oscillators can freely configured into series or parallel combinations for complex FM or additive synthesis• A cute Vector Joystick for morphing between oscillator banks, for cool performance timbre sweeps and sonic movementVectors can be recorded from the joystick and replayed from trigger sources, or animated from external or internal modulation sources• Super cool retro Big-Pixel screen, ideal for nostalgia freaks or the visually impaired• Wave Warping brings grit and aggression to the FM synthesis with oscillators continuously variable between Sine,Tri-ish Saw, Pulse waveform• Wave Folding for subtle to extreme sonic bending• Two Envelope generators [per voice in polyphonic modes], and two LFOs with all controls assignable as modulation destinations• Intuitive Modulation Slot patching from external and internal sources to be routed to any parameter within the Vector Wave• 30 User Voice storage spaces for storing your synth masterpieces to internal memory, enabling you to impress your friends at a later date• Thee modes of oscillator bank allocation Monophonic Vector, and Polyphonic Voice, and Multitimbral Polyphonic• MIDI input for a spaghetti-free Polyphonic setup, velocity, aftertouch and MIDI CCs avail- able as modulation sources• Slim but handsome Expander Module also available that adds 3 more V/oct and Gate inputs, for maximum mutli-voice multitimbral melodious mayhem!PLEASE NOTE THE KIT IS ONLY SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCED BUILDERS.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
RYK Modular - Vector Wave Expander

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V/Oct and Gate expander for RYK Vector Wave.The slim but handsome Vector Wave Expander module, adds 3 extra V/Oct and Gate inputs to the Vector Wave.Using Multi Timbral mode, these extra inputs can control 4 separate monophonic synth voices within the Vector Wave.This is a great way to add multi voice synth parts in a compact and unique Eurorack module!