Products of Rebel Technology

Rebel Technology is a tech collective creating radically innovative music electronics since 2009. We are committed to using technology to create positive change and help people realise their creative potential.
Rebel Technology - Klasmata
Κλάσματα is a single channel, voltage controlled Euclidean sequencer.It offers a range of 1-32 steps, opening up more possibilities for complex patterns. With voltage controlled sequence length and fills, Κλάσματα can transpose, shift and modulate rhythmic patterns at up to audio speeds.Just like Stocheia there is a normal and a toggling operating mode. The three-way switch is also used to stop and reset the sequence.The voltage controlled parameters have individual level settings. The controls are otherwise identical to Stocheia.For more infos, please visit the Rebel Tech website.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Rebel Technology - Logoi
Λόγοι is a voltage controlled clock divider, counter, and delay. It subdivides and adds time, creating organic, evolving signatures. Λόγοι brings movement and life to the trigger signal, from a subtle swing to bizarrely complex and intricate rhythms. Instructions The functions of Λόγοι are split with division on the left, and addition on the right. The right side operates either in Counter mode, by adding clocks, or Swing mode, by adding a time delay. The mode is set by the centre switch. The module has CV inputs (top jacks) and trigger outputs (middle left/right jacks) for each side, and a combined trigger output (centre bottom jack) which gives the output of both operations: divide and add. The trigger input (bottom left and right jacks) is shared between division and addition. There is also a reset input (middle centre jack) and manual reset switch (push switch up). There are three LEDs indicating the divided and added output to the left and right, and the combined output in the centre. Divide The divider toggles its output every n clocks, where n is the divisor. The divisor is set with a manual (top knob) and CV level control, in a range from 1 to 32. Count With the switch in the down position, the additive side functions as clock counter. The counter will output a trigger signal every m clocks, where m is the addend. The range is from 1 to 32 clocks, with 16 in the centre position. The combined output will divide and count. If i is the incoming clock, n the divisor, and m the addend, then it will output a a trigger signal every i/n + m clocks. Note that when the addend is larger than the divisor, in other words, n < m, then the divider frequency is higher than the addition and the combined output will never trigger. Swing With the switch in the centre position, the right side adds a time delay to the input. The amount of delay, or swing, ranges from 0ms to around 1000ms. In Swing mode, the combined output passes all clocks through until each time the divisor triggers, when it adds a time delay. The result is that every n-th clock is delayed by m, where m is the amount of swing and n is the divisor. As in Count mode, if the divisor frequency is greater than the delay time, the combined output will not trigger. In Swing mode, this is determined by the combination of input clock frequency and delay time. DIY-Kit-Type: THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Rebel Technology - Phoreo
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Φορέω is a triple function processor for triggers, gates and clocks. It simultaneously performs pulse width modulation, multiplication and repetition, with individual input, output and CV for each function.• Pulse width modulation, as a ratio of the input signal rate, is adjustable from 0 to 100 percent. Multiplication also operates on the input signal rate, multiplying it by a factor from 1 to 16.• Repetition generates a burst of triggers, at the rate of the multiplier, with repetitions adjustable from 1 to 16.Each function has two knobs for manual and CV level, and three jacks for trigger input, CV input and trigger output.Pulse width modulation carries through to the outputs of the two other functions, and the three trigger inputs are normalled from top to bottom.When multiply and repeat are combined, Φορέω makes an excellent burst generator, perfect for rolls, flams and fills. The repeater gives precise control over burst length, while the multiplier easily moves from quarter notes, to thirds, to eights, to everything in between and lots more beyond. Go on, give us a snare rush!Φορέω is also extremely versatile with many utility functions, such as master clock doubling, clock modulation, and for triggering and clocking fast sequences. It even works as a square wave overtone generator with PWM, tracking audio input signals up to 20kHz.Φορέω perfectly complements Στοιχεῖα, Λόγοι, Κλάσματα and Χρόνος, completing our Euclidean series of trigger processors.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Rebel Technology - Stoicheia
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Στοιχεῖα is a dual Euclidean Sequencer. It algorithmically generates rhythmic sequences from an input trigger signal. The name (Στοιχεῖα, Stoicheia, or Elements) comes from the title of Euclid’s book Elements in which the algorithm was first described.HistoryThis goes way back. In the third century BCE, the Greek mathematician Euclid described a way to determine the largest common denominator of any two integers. As it turns out, his method is the same as what people have used to divide beats into rhythms. Across the globe, from ancient to modern times; the rhythms that pervade human existence can be generated using the same, simple algorithm.The cultural and historical range covered by these rhythms is nothing short of breathtaking. From Brazilian Samba and Bossa-Nova, to Bulgarian folk dances, thirteenth century Persian drum patterns, and complex poly-rhythms of West and Central Africa.Of course, Euclid’s work can be applied to more than just rhythmic patterns. A scientist named Bjorklund applied it to nuclear physics, in order to optimise the operation of the SNS particle accelerator. He also published his work with a proof of the efficiency of his method. Then, in 2005, a Professor of Computer Science called Godfried Toussaint linked up the dots and presented in a research paper the connection between the work of Euclid, Bjorklund, and musical rhythms.We have based our implementation on the work of Toussaint, Bjorklund and Euclid.Getting StartedConnect the left sequence output (second jack from the bottom left) to an envelope gate input controlling a sound source, or something like the trigger input of a drum module.Make sure the middle switch is in the centre position, and the left switch is in the up position. Now connect an LFO to one of the two clock inputs (bottom left or bottom right jack) and you should see the centre LED light up when a signal is received. If the LFO is very fast, the LED will appear to be dimly on - turn the speed down (or up) to where it is flashing at a regular pace.When an input clock signal is received, the centre LED will light up. When a sequence triggers an output gate signal, its corresponding LED will light up.Turn all the knobs in the left column to their centre positions. You should know have a sequence of length 8 with 4 fills (50% of the step length). This means that every other beat will be ‘on’, and you should see the sequencer LED flash on every second input clock. Consequently, the sequence output should generate a gate signal, triggering the module you have connected it to.If you turn the bottom left knob in the anti-clockwise direction, you will hear progressively fewer ‘on’ beats in the sequence until only one in 8 (the sequence length) beats is on. Turning in the clockwise direction, the sequence will start filling in more and more beats, until every beat is on.Now connect a different envelope or sound source to the other sequence and repeat!InstructionsEach sequence is controlled by a column of three knobs and a switch. The input parameters to the algorithm are sequence length and fills.The length of the sequence, measured in clocks or beats, is controlled by the second knob from the top. The range goes from 1 (fully counter clockwise) to 16 (fully clockwise), with 8 in the centre position.The number of fills, or on-beats, is set by the third knob. In fully counter-clockwise position, this is set to 1. Centre position will set every other beat ‘on’, or 50% . Fully clockwise sets every beat ‘on’, in other words: the number of fills are equal to the sequence length.The top knob adjusts which beat the sequence starts on - and hence resets to. In its centre position, the sequence will start on its first step. The start position can be changed by turning the top knob left or right: this will have the effect of rotating the sequence left or right, respectively.Trigger ModeWith its switch in the centre position, the sequence is turned off. To turn it on (Trigger Mode), push the switch up. In trigger mode, the sequence will switch its output high when receiving a clock signal rising edge (low to high transition), provided the next beat in the sequence is ‘on’. When the clock signal falling edge is received (high to low transition), the output will be switched back to low (0v). This means that the output trigger signals have the same pulse width as the input clock. So if the clocks are generated with very short pulses, the output triggers will be equally short. As a consequence, a pulse width modulation on the input clock signal will be passed on through the sequencer.Alternating ModePushing the switch down from its centre (off) position puts the sequence into Alternating Mode. In alternating mode, the output goes high on the first ‘on’ beat, and remains high until the next ‘on’ beat. In other words, the output toggles on every ‘on’ beat in the sequence. The up and down transitions occur on the rising edge of the input clock.ResetThe centre jack can be used to connect a reset trigger. When a reset is received, both sequences restart at their first position. This takes into consideration the rotation setting: If sequence A and B have different rotations, they will remain offset in respect to each other. Reset can also be manually triggered by pushing the centre switch momentarily upwards.Chained ModeThe centre switch can be pushed down, which enables Chained mode. When chained, the two sequences are repeated one after the other, instead of concurrently. This is very useful to build up more complex patterns. In chained mode, the output of the combined sequence is available at both output jacks. On startup, the first sequence will play through to its determined length. It will then stop, and the second sequence will play through to the end, at which point the first one starts up again. For example, setting the first sequence to length 12, and the second to length 4, will result in a combined 16-step sequence. A reset signal in Chained mode brings the combined sequence to the start of the first pattern. Rotation works as in regular mode. Chained mode can also be used to create sequences longer than 16 steps.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Rebel Technology - The Witch
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The Witch is a compact and versatile polyphonic synthesizer. The Witch can be used Standalone, with a MIDI Controller, Analog Sequencer, or MIDI Polyphonic Expression / MPE Controller. It's USB powered or with 9V DC.It comes with four different synth engines:• SubTract Virtual Analogue synthesizer with 48dB resonant filter• VoSim Voice Simulator formant synthesizer• WaveBank Morphing wavetable synthesizer• QuadSampler Sampler with peak filterEach synthesizer engine is provided in two variants:• Expression Mode Continuous pitch control and MPE support• Performance Mode Discrete pitch control, standalone chords and classic MIDI supportOther features include two assignable tap tempo LFOs with continuously variable shapes and a powerful effects section.As well as eight factory patches, the Witch is fully compatible with the OWL Library of more than 300 patches. What’s more, users can create their own patches using any of the supported DSP languages: Pure data, Max gen~, SOUL, Faust, Maximilian and C++.The Witch has its own Synth Editor web application: witch.rebeltech.orgDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.